ConsensusPathDB information     

ConsensusPathDB statistics

physical entities:    39648
interactions:    90596
pathways:    2356

Overlap statistics

Number of unique* interactions shared by databases. The numbers in the blue diagonal correspond to the number of unique interactions imported from the according interaction data source.
Reactome Kegg Phosphositeplus Innatedb Intact Dip Mint Corum Biogrid Mips-mppi Bind Pdb Matrixdb Pdzbase Wikipathways Mousecyc
Reactome 15331 412 30 67 225 111 59 49 264 7 143 41 2 0 0 196
Kegg 412 2043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270
Phosphositeplus 30 0 786 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Innatedb 67 0 21 4294 228 70 66 19 753 8 148 17 0 2 0 1
Intact 225 0 0 228 8153 1212 1461 84 1876 39 442 151 8 31 0 1
Dip 111 0 0 70 1212 1708 93 28 390 10 111 74 0 1 0 1
Mint 59 0 0 66 1461 93 3826 25 1088 13 177 55 2 29 0 0
Corum 49 0 0 19 84 28 25 637 80 4 70 14 0 2 0 4
Biogrid 264 0 0 753 1876 390 1088 80 56174 54 929 218 3 16 0 13
Mips-mppi 7 0 0 8 39 10 13 4 54 235 96 1 0 2 0 0
Bind 143 0 0 148 442 111 177 70 929 96 3219 57 1 15 0 0
Pdb 41 0 0 17 151 74 55 14 218 1 57 874 2 0 0 0
Matrixdb 2 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 3 0 1 2 75 0 0 0
Pdzbase 0 0 0 2 31 1 29 2 16 2 15 0 0 53 0 0
Wikipathways 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mousecyc 196 270 0 1 1 1 0 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 1766

Number of uniuqe** physical entities shared by databases. The numbers in the blue diagonal correspond to the number of unique physical entities imported from the according interaction data source.
Reactome Kegg Phosphositeplus Innatedb Intact Dip Mint Corum Biogrid Mips-mppi Bind Pdb Matrixdb Pdzbase Wikipathways Mousecyc
Reactome 23892 2014 663 988 4193 1015 1918 965 5644 177 1554 521 41 53 0 3047
Kegg 2014 3377 43 59 452 54 167 37 905 2 144 13 3 1 0 1896
Phosphositeplus 663 43 890 257 705 287 429 235 751 72 397 86 3 15 0 337
Innatedb 988 59 257 2659 1116 379 587 308 1273 83 620 142 8 15 0 244
Intact 4193 452 705 1116 7680 1259 2927 945 5414 181 1541 545 23 66 0 1362
Dip 1015 54 287 379 1259 1297 594 384 1026 87 539 211 4 28 0 243
Mint 1918 167 429 587 2927 594 2971 570 2404 119 817 292 13 54 0 606
Corum 965 37 235 308 945 384 570 1813 961 111 518 201 2 32 0 289
Biogrid 5644 905 751 1273 5414 1026 2404 961 11124 186 1864 497 32 62 0 2050
Mips-mppi 177 2 72 83 181 87 119 111 186 224 160 33 1 7 0 46
Bind 1554 144 397 620 1541 539 817 518 1864 160 2672 251 17 54 0 438
Pdb 521 13 86 142 545 211 292 201 497 33 251 758 4 10 0 135
Matrixdb 41 3 3 8 23 4 13 2 32 1 17 4 62 0 0 7
Pdzbase 53 1 15 15 66 28 54 32 62 7 54 10 0 70 0 9
Wikipathways 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mousecyc 3047 1896 337 244 1362 243 606 289 2050 46 438 135 7 9 0 8335

Number of defined biological pathways in interaction data sources.***
Reactome 1695
Kegg 336
Phosphositeplus 0
Innatedb 0
Intact 0
Dip 0
Mint 0
Corum 0
Biogrid 0
Mips-mppi 0
Bind 0
Pdb 0
Matrixdb 0
Pdzbase 0
Wikipathways 0
Mousecyc 325

Versions of integrated databases
Reactome 76
Kegg 100.0
Phosphositeplus 10.10.2021
Innatedb 10.10.2021
Intact 2018-12-01Z
Dip 2017-02-05
Mint 10.10.2021
Corum 10.10.2021
Biogrid 4.4.201
Mips-mppi 10.10.2021
Bind 10.10.2021
Pdb 10.10.2021
Matrixdb 20120801
Pdzbase 11.10.2021
Wikipathways 11.10.2021
Mousecyc 22.6

* Interactions are mapped to each other if their primary participants (products and substrates in biochemical reactions, interactors in protein interactions and genetic interactions, transcription factors and regulated gene in gene regulatory interactions, and drug and target in drug-target interactions) are identical based on their accession numbers. Different molecule states and subcellular localization are disregarded when calculating the number of unique interactions.
** Physical entities are mapped tp each other if they have the same accession numbers and/or components (in the case of complexes and entity groups). This means that different states (e.g. posttranslational modifications) and subcellular localization are disregarded when calculating the number of unique entities.
*** Biological pathways from different sources are not mapped to each other. Some sources (like the ones containing protein interactions only) do not define pathways.