ConsensusPathDB information     

ConsensusPathDB statistics

physical entities:    200920
interactions:    864683
pathways:    5578

Overlap statistics

Number of unique* interactions shared by databases. The numbers in the blue diagonal correspond to the number of unique interactions imported from the according interaction data source.
Reactome Kegg Humancyc Pid Biocarta Netpath Inoh Ehmn Phosphositeplus Innatedb Intact Dip Mint Hprd Corum Biogrid Mips-mppi Bind Pdb Matrixdb Pindb Spike Pig Phosphopoint Pdzbase Ttd Chembl
Reactome 20467 441 456 508 163 158 270 467 89 222 1006 418 289 1088 250 1098 15 507 263 9 29 523 0 210 2 0 0
Kegg 441 7781 286 0 4 0 373 1056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 214
Humancyc 456 286 2887 6 10 1 133 332 0 11 141 37 19 155 27 161 0 81 11 0 0 35 0 4 0 0 0
Pid 508 0 6 7719 318 356 113 3 416 261 433 245 171 668 158 611 20 274 148 7 5 685 0 463 7 0 0
Biocarta 163 4 10 318 2323 170 54 10 222 120 116 75 59 153 50 146 8 81 69 0 2 307 0 210 0 0 0
Netpath 158 0 1 356 170 2839 79 0 464 433 692 331 330 1475 65 1259 20 310 111 2 2 1573 0 872 0 0 0
Inoh 270 373 133 113 54 79 1898 387 35 51 78 48 38 95 25 80 1 60 22 0 0 98 0 61 0 0 0
Ehmn 467 1056 332 3 10 0 387 3893 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Phosphositeplus 89 0 0 416 222 464 35 0 2714 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 910 0 803 0 0 0
Innatedb 222 0 11 261 120 433 51 0 239 12904 2462 466 630 2208 111 6224 30 647 235 9 2 1551 0 931 7 0 0
Intact 1006 0 141 433 116 692 78 0 0 2462 162374 4701 15869 14784 642 98316 128 3560 1664 72 40 22656 0 2788 53 0 0
Dip 418 0 37 245 75 331 48 0 0 466 4701 6463 855 1970 248 3453 53 724 850 13 11 1295 0 460 3 0 0
Mint 289 0 19 171 59 330 38 0 0 630 15869 855 28677 4103 174 18147 81 1695 696 11 10 5402 0 986 46 0 0
Hprd 1088 0 155 668 153 1475 95 0 0 2208 14784 1970 4103 40484 743 25503 282 5938 1319 52 29 16661 0 7113 93 0 0
Corum 250 0 27 158 50 65 25 0 0 111 642 248 174 743 2724 585 16 282 221 3 80 320 0 74 1 0 0
Biogrid 1098 0 161 611 146 1259 80 0 0 6224 98316 3453 18147 25503 585 495966 238 5281 2432 54 19 20575 0 4578 68 0 0
Mips-mppi 15 0 0 20 8 20 1 0 0 30 128 53 81 282 16 238 323 270 42 3 0 151 0 40 3 0 0
Bind 507 0 81 274 81 310 60 0 0 647 3560 724 1695 5938 282 5281 270 18754 591 15 6 3393 0 1364 20 0 0
Pdb 263 0 11 148 69 111 22 0 0 235 1664 850 696 1319 221 2432 42 591 4327 7 12 931 0 177 3 0 0
Matrixdb 9 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 9 72 13 11 52 3 54 3 15 7 544 0 20 0 4 0 0 0
Pindb 29 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 0 2 40 11 10 29 80 19 0 6 12 0 207 21 0 4 0 0 0
Spike 523 0 35 685 307 1573 98 1 910 1551 22656 1295 5402 16661 320 20575 151 3393 931 20 21 38743 0 3563 60 0 0
Pig 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20088 0 0 0 0
Phosphopoint 210 0 4 463 210 872 61 0 803 931 2788 460 986 7113 74 4578 40 1364 177 4 4 3563 0 10048 20 0 0
Pdzbase 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 53 3 46 93 1 68 3 20 3 0 0 60 0 20 101 0 0
Ttd 0 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43878 804
Chembl 0 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 804 143258

Number of uniuqe** physical entities shared by databases. The numbers in the blue diagonal correspond to the number of unique physical entities imported from the according interaction data source.
Reactome Kegg Humancyc Pid Biocarta Netpath Inoh Ehmn Phosphositeplus Innatedb Intact Dip Mint Hprd Corum Biogrid Mips-mppi Bind Pdb Matrixdb Pindb Spike Pig Phosphopoint Pdzbase Pharmgkb Smpdb Wikipathways Ttd Chembl
Reactome 30293 2403 3666 2586 1405 1192 1229 2234 2189 3179 9620 2746 5485 6755 3207 9783 349 5337 2668 213 564 6255 2772 2443 93 0 0 0 2150 1215
Kegg 2403 4850 2125 295 238 103 1058 1982 262 351 1613 250 721 969 246 1675 29 952 187 17 21 884 349 251 10 0 0 0 1278 561
Humancyc 3666 2125 8389 682 496 359 1013 2175 843 917 3141 692 1709 2067 710 3218 84 1861 663 56 95 1938 744 847 33 0 0 0 1213 844
Pid 2586 295 682 6950 1060 887 393 372 1188 1464 2664 1326 1842 2353 1282 2954 262 2135 1070 130 201 2602 1052 1399 50 0 0 0 806 524
Biocarta 1405 238 496 1060 2884 533 310 281 670 862 1399 796 1036 1311 756 1461 185 1151 689 67 134 1326 683 822 23 0 0 0 602 405
Netpath 1192 103 359 887 533 1611 243 201 756 859 1354 806 1137 1301 763 1359 185 1067 627 46 115 1300 689 909 29 0 0 0 402 302
Inoh 1229 1058 1013 393 310 243 2314 838 279 339 803 295 501 624 268 813 60 642 231 22 11 611 292 297 8 0 0 0 464 230
Ehmn 2234 1982 2175 372 281 201 838 4379 410 478 1566 346 897 1047 398 1623 41 1011 342 26 55 971 404 426 18 0 0 0 750 427
Phosphositeplus 2189 262 843 1188 670 756 279 410 2811 1484 2769 1360 2187 2454 1270 2776 239 1945 1083 59 251 2402 1127 1563 50 0 0 0 724 582
Innatedb 3179 351 917 1464 862 859 339 478 1484 5678 4480 1722 3271 3597 1771 4905 261 3196 1484 114 346 3705 1699 1698 51 0 0 0 765 515
Intact 9620 1613 3141 2664 1399 1354 803 1566 2769 4480 22582 3237 8514 9468 3596 16979 388 7437 3093 214 650 9205 3941 3116 114 0 0 0 1818 1163
Dip 2746 250 692 1326 796 806 295 346 1360 1722 3237 3274 2512 2876 1756 3210 275 2342 1686 104 415 2790 1431 1426 42 0 0 0 766 476
Mint 5485 721 1709 1842 1036 1137 501 897 2187 3271 8514 2512 8591 6088 2873 8102 337 4762 2356 148 595 6155 2752 2433 101 0 0 0 1093 754
Hprd 6755 969 2067 2353 1311 1301 624 1047 2454 3597 9468 2876 6088 9845 3089 9690 383 5671 2621 207 597 7743 3035 3093 114 0 0 0 1597 1055
Corum 3207 246 710 1282 756 763 268 398 1270 1771 3596 1756 2873 3089 6369 3593 268 2556 1697 95 598 3074 1458 1418 53 0 0 0 577 405
Biogrid 9783 1675 3218 2954 1461 1359 813 1623 2776 4905 16979 3210 8102 9690 3593 28402 385 10620 3085 219 655 9740 3930 3159 114 0 0 0 1859 1190
Mips-mppi 349 29 84 262 185 185 60 41 239 261 388 275 337 383 268 385 400 382 218 19 54 374 228 277 15 0 0 0 133 100
Bind 5337 952 1861 2135 1151 1067 642 1011 1945 3196 7437 2342 4762 5671 2556 10620 382 12752 2202 165 498 5897 2474 2301 81 0 0 0 1318 837
Pdb 2668 187 663 1070 689 627 231 342 1083 1484 3093 1686 2356 2621 1697 3085 218 2202 3259 92 365 2534 1233 1196 32 0 0 0 663 422
Matrixdb 213 17 56 130 67 46 22 26 59 114 214 104 148 207 95 219 19 165 92 266 4 192 110 89 4 0 0 0 103 56
Pindb 564 21 95 201 134 115 11 55 251 346 650 415 595 597 598 655 54 498 365 4 862 606 327 248 1 0 0 0 61 44
Spike 6255 884 1938 2602 1326 1300 611 971 2402 3705 9205 2790 6155 7743 3074 9740 374 5897 2534 192 606 10914 3009 2837 109 0 0 0 1348 896
Pig 2772 349 744 1052 683 689 292 404 1127 1699 3941 1431 2752 3035 1458 3930 228 2474 1233 110 327 3009 7562 1272 43 0 0 0 584 376
Phosphopoint 2443 251 847 1399 822 909 297 426 1563 1698 3116 1426 2433 3093 1418 3159 277 2301 1196 89 248 2837 1272 3189 73 0 0 0 781 613
Pdzbase 93 10 33 50 23 29 8 18 50 51 114 42 101 114 53 114 15 81 32 4 1 109 43 73 115 0 0 0 37 24
Pharmgkb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 0 0 0 0
Smpdb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 724 0 0 0
Wikipathways 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 0 0
Ttd 2150 1278 1213 806 602 402 464 750 724 765 1818 766 1093 1597 577 1859 133 1318 663 103 61 1348 584 781 37 0 0 0 33879 1684
Chembl 1215 561 844 524 405 302 230 427 582 515 1163 476 754 1055 405 1190 100 837 422 56 44 896 376 613 24 0 0 0 1684 93716

Number of defined biological pathways in interaction data sources.***
Reactome 2516
Kegg 339
Humancyc 325
Pid 226
Biocarta 254
Netpath 35
Inoh 93
Ehmn 69
Pharmgkb 322
Smpdb 724
Signalink 15
Wikipathways 660

Versions of integrated databases
Reactome 76
Kegg 98.0
Humancyc 13.6
Pid 2014_02_14
Biocarta 2009_05_12
Netpath 19.4.2021
Inoh 19.4.2021
Ehmn 19.4.2021
Phosphositeplus 19.4.2021
Innatedb 19.4.2021
Intact 2018-12-01Z
Dip 2017-02-05
Mint 20.4.2021
Hprd I_041210
Corum 20.4.2021
Biogrid 4.3.196
Mips-mppi 21.4.2021
Bind 21.4.2021
Pdb 7.5.2021
Matrixdb 20120801
Pindb 7.5.2021
Spike 7.5.2021
Pig 9.5.2021
Phosphopoint 9.5.2021
Pdzbase 10.5.2021
Pharmgkb 18.5.2021
Smpdb 18.5.2021
Signalink 18.5.2021
Wikipathways 21.5.2021
Ttd 2.6.2021
Chembl 15.10.2021

* Interactions are mapped to each other if their primary participants (products and substrates in biochemical reactions, interactors in protein interactions and genetic interactions, transcription factors and regulated gene in gene regulatory interactions, and drug and target in drug-target interactions) are identical based on their accession numbers. Different molecule states and subcellular localization are disregarded when calculating the number of unique interactions.
** Physical entities are mapped tp each other if they have the same accession numbers and/or components (in the case of complexes and entity groups). This means that different states (e.g. posttranslational modifications) and subcellular localization are disregarded when calculating the number of unique entities.
*** Biological pathways from different sources are not mapped to each other. Some sources (like the ones containing protein interactions only) do not define pathways.